

Rory talks about the legend of the Metheringham Lass and its dubious origin myth, on this episode of BBC Radio’s Secret Lincolnshire series. June 2024.

Rory and Anna explore their favourite Lincolnshire folk tales and customs with Mark Norman, on the Folklore Podcast (click the banner to go to the episode page). May 2024.

Rory and Anna are interviewed about the project by Shelley for the LincsLives podcast. April 2024.


Rory takes readers on a folkloric travel route around an overlook part of Lincolnshire in ‘Ghosts, Witches, and Wild Men in the Valley’ for Lincolnshire Life magazine. Read the full piece here. April 2024.


Rory discusses the folkloric inspiration behind a poem in his recent poetry collection, Come Here to This Gate (Carcanet, 2024). The post, ‘Yallery Brown is Back!’, is available on the Carcanet Blog here. April 2024.

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About the project

‘Lincolnshire Folk Tales: Origins, Legacies, Connections, Futures’ is a project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (grant number AH/Y003225/1), and is led by Dr Rory Waterman and the Research Fellow Dr Anna Milon in the School of Arts and Humanities at Nottingham Trent University. The project explores the origins, legacies, intertextual and social connections and futures of Lincolnshire folk tales (LFTs), and is intended to facilitate wider engagement with this heritage from writers, the general public, and scholars.

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