Category: folk tale

  • The Soldier and the Dog

    After his death in his nineties, the soldier has been rumoured to walk to Hubbards Hills with a small dog at his side. Other dog walkers have reported their pets becoming agitated and refusing to go near the spot where the soldier met his paramour.

  • Gunby Hall Ghost

    A path running past the pond on the grounds is known as the Ghost Walk, on account of a gruesome murder the allegedly took place in the 18th century and the unquiet spirit it produced.

  • Lincolnshire’s Own Mary Celeste

    Lincolnshire’s Own Mary Celeste

    Waters around the British Isles teem with stories of ghost ships, and Lincolnshire is no exception. Two reports of ghost ships driven ashore with no one to be found on board are associated with Cleethorpes Beach.

  • Halton Holegate Haunting

    Halton Holegate Haunting

    The tale concerns a farmhouse in the village of Halton Holegate, near Spilsby, which was reportedly the site of a haunting in the nineteenth century – though the story doesn’t end with that.  The incumbents, Mr and Mrs Wilson, were subject to disturbing sounds of furniture moving on its own, and…

  • Gibraltar Point Fog Horse

    Gibraltar Point Fog Horse

    Legend has it that a farmer on his way to Skegness Market tried to take his horse on a shortcut along the beach at Gibraltar Point. The day was foggy, the farmer lost his way in the mist and drowned in the rising tide…

  • Rantanning


    Ran-tan-ning or Ran-tan-tan, an onomatopoeically named custom of delivering folk justice to disproportionately violent members of a community (here, a domestic abuser). Ethel Rudkin records it Holton-le-Clay, Langwith and Willoughton, and the process goes something like this…