Lincolnshire’s Own Mary Celeste

Waters around the British Isles teem with stories of ghost ships, and Lincolnshire is no exception. Two reports of ghost ships driven ashore with no one to be found on board are associated with Cleethorpes Beach: one in 1853, and the other in 1870. The second was a Scio Schooner that is said to have sailed up the coast from Lowestoft in Suffolk before running aground, empty.

The Grimsby Telegraph delves deeper into the shipwrecks of the Lincolnshire coast, real and fantastical, here.

The project is not currently aware of any actual stories or legends associated with either ghost ship, nor with other shipwrecks off the Lincolnshire coast. If you know of any such stories, please get in touch. We would love to expand this entry, and of course you would be fully credited for your contribution.

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About the project

‘Lincolnshire Folk Tales: Origins, Legacies, Connections, Futures’ is a project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (grant number AH/Y003225/1), and is led by Dr Rory Waterman and the Research Fellow Dr Anna Milon in the School of Arts and Humanities at Nottingham Trent University. The project explores the origins, legacies, intertextual and social connections and futures of Lincolnshire folk tales (LFTs), and is intended to facilitate wider engagement with this heritage from writers, the general public, and scholars.

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